Image search results - "den" |
Common goldeneye and perches feeding
Polar Bear and Arctic oil Exploration
Bee hotel - No restaurant!
Big garden bird watch
Putte and Miss Forest
Birds nesting at the garden
Big Garden Birdwatch
Golden Eagle
World Migratory Bird Day
Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Goldeneye – growth of water bird nestlings
Common Goldeneye – male and female
Common Goldeneye in birdhouse
New garden bumblebee with pollen baskets
Honey bee and linden flower
Ambrosia beetle decays dead wood
George Bush - the green house effect - 1992
Intelligent Design - President Bush
George W. Bush seeking for the rogue states...
Batteryman finds poisonous coin-cell battery
Suomi ja Pariisin ympäristökokous
Climate strike - Greta Thunberg
ExxonMobil behind the climate sceptics
Welcome to the Teijo national park
EU ecolabel and a green painter
Climate change deniers credit card
Two houses with ecological backpacks
Ecological Rucksack of the golden ring
Finnish top politicians and russian nuclear power
Solar panel discussion
EU elections 2024 – all is at stake!
Diet and carbon footprint
Aspen and Inhabitants of Old Growth Forest
Global warming sceptics - door-to-door peddlers
Moose and traffic jam
Golden plover camouflage
Stop Garden Runaways - Giant Hogweed
Invasive species - Himalayan balsam
Invasive species - Large-leaved Lupin
Alien species
Cabbage garden and garbage garden – chemical contamination
Garden gnome and country house
Yellow card for littering
Resident talks to municipal authority about sanitation
Finnish mires have many admirers
Birds nesting at the beaver pond
Bird box for the Goldeneye
Birdwatching with kids
Maiden choosing partner
Red fox – vixen and kits on edge of swamp
Red fox kits at den
Beaver – lumberjack
Squirrel killed by car
Muskrat swims
The Rodents Band
Garden vole and pesticide
Before agriculture Europe was all forest
Peat bogs are the archive and coal sink of nature
Organic farming and composting
Hare and squirrel on a hike
Enjoying lake nature
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Willow Tit
Small-leaved Lime – Tree of Lovers
Pollinators and mimikry
Garden planning
Extreme Gardening
Hazel grouse - common redstart and migration
Finnish peat industry found a new way to destroy peat bogs
Creek grove at old ironworks site
Swimming forbidden
Summer night, golden eye and jetski
Knight helps maiden to dry laundry