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Climate Minister Devours the Climate Law
The Finnish Minister of Climate and the Environment Kai Mykkänen destroes the Ministry of the Environment.
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Fastest and Biggest Dam Removal in Finland!
The Sierilä hydro power plant planned by the Kemijoki Ltd would have dammed and drowned the last free-flowing main channel of Kemijoki River in the Northern Finland. The dam project was canceled thanks to the long struggle of the NGOs and local activists!
Background info:
Cartoon from 2017:
The Kemijoki River in Northern Finland was once maybe the best salmon river in Europe.
The river was dammed after the World War II, and no fish passages were built, so the local salmon population was lost.
Kemijoki Ltd has now 16 hydro power plants in the Kemijoki River. The company wants to build one more with no fish passages. The planned Sierilä dam would drown the last free-flowing part of the river’s main channel under the dam reservoir.
The fisheries authorities have started a legal process requiring the power stations to build fish passages across all dams and to restore breeding areas.
The big power companies, PVO Ltd and Kemijoki Ltd (the latter with it’s owners Fortum, UPM, Helen etc.) oppose this process fiercely.
Finished Live Drawings – part I
The first collection of the finished versions of livedrawings, that have been made in conferences and seminars mostly before the Covid pandemic.
WWF Fuller Symposium 2014: Full Plate – Nourishing the World Sustainably
The International Marine Conservation Congress IMCC3 Glasgow, Scotland 2014:
Wired in the Wild: Can Technology Save the Planet? WWF Fuller Symposium 2015:
2 Degrees Later: Resilience in a Changing World – “WWF Fuller Symposium held on November 15, 2016”
5th European Congress of Conservation Biology
12th – 15th of June 2018, Jyväskylä, Finland
The international conference on dam removal and the restauration of the Sélune river, from 24th to 26 September, 2019 in Brittany and Normandy

Roberto Epple (European Rivers Network – France)
Emergence et historique de l’effacement de barrages
Emergence and history of dam removals

Pao Fernández Garrido (World Fish Migration Foundation – Spain)
Portrait d’un nouveau mouvement européen de restauration de la continuité écologique des rivières
Portrait of a new European movement of opening up swimways in rivers

Joshua Royte (The Nature Conservancy – USA)
Impacts écologiques et sociaux des enlèvements de barrages sur les rivières Kennebec et Penobscot, Maine, USA
Ecological and social impacts of dam removals on the Kennebec and Penobscot Rivers, Maine
Dam Removal goes Alps – March 22, 2021
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