Cartoon for the World Wetlands Day 2014. It is organized by the Ramsar Convention and themed “Wetlands and agriculture”.
Download the cartoon & other material for the World Wetlands Day 2014.
The material are also available in French and Spanish:
Journée mondiale des zones humides 2014 : Les zones humides et l’agriculture
Día Mundial de los Humedales de 2014 : Humedales y agricultura
If you wish to help protect the wetlands, you can translate the cartoon into your own language. Here’s the blanco cartoon for that. If you do the translation, please send it to the Ramsar Convention.
Here’s the cartoon without the texts. (10 MB)
Here are the Ramsar quidelines for the language versions:
“Adapting our materials. We will again be making the design files for our materials available. If you would like to receive the design files please write to
The Ramsar Secretariat encourages the translation of our materials into national and local languages and the editing of materials to include a national/local perspective.
Please note:(i) The images in all of our materials cannot be used for any other purpose without the permission of the credited photographers.
(ii) Our materials may only be used for non-commercial purposes.
(iii) WWD is an important branding opportunity for the Convention on Wetlands as well as your own organization. To make clear the importance of the Ramsar Convention in your work, we ask that you always retain the Ramsar logo on all your materials. Please remember to put the logo in its current position at the top left.
Thank you for following this guidance.”
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